Last updated: 17 August 2015
- Henning, M. 1986. The Macintosh and MacPascal. Brisbane, Australia: Department of Computer Science, University of Queensland.
- Henning, M. September 1988. "1!S%$0+xbv... It Makes Good Sense." Pacific Computer Weekly No. 677.
- Henning, M., and A. Rohde. 1988. "On the Suitability of Z for the Specification of Secure Systems." In Proceedings of the 5th IFIP International Conference on Computer Security. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
- Henning, M., and A. Rohde. 1989. UNIX File System Security. Canberra, Australia: Centre for Computer Security Research, University of NSW; Australian Defence Force Academy.
- Henning, M. April 1989. "Asynchronous UNIX Networking: The Low-Cost Alternative in Office Automation." The Source: 3–4.
- Henning, M. July 1994. "C++: Is it Really a Better C?" The Source: 8–9.
- Vogel, A., K. Duddy, M. Henning, D. Kosovic, K. Raymond, and R. Taylor. August 1996. "CORBAnet—Demonstrating CORBA 2.0 Interoperability." Middleware Spectra 10 (3).
- Henning, M. September 1997. "How does binding work in CORBA?". Usenet. comp.object.corba: Pine.OSF.3.95.970924145741.31000I‑
- Henning, M., and M. Neville. 1997. Waste Not, Want Not—A Proposal for Shorter IORs. OMG Document orbos/97-10-02, Framingham, MA: Object Management Group.
- Henning, M. October 1998. "Binding, Migration, and Scalability in CORBA." Communications of the ACM 41 (10): 62–71.
- Henning, M., and S. Vinoski. 1999. Advanced CORBA Programming with C++. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
- Henning, M., et al. 2003. Distributed Programming with Ice. Billerica, MA: ZeroC, Inc.
- Henning, M. January 2004. "A New Approach to Object-Oriented Middleware." IEEE Internet Computing 8 (1): 66–75.
- Henning, M. Feb 2004. "Massively Multiplayer Middleware." ACM Queue 1 (10): 38–45.
- Henning, M. May 2005. "To Slice or Not to Slice..." Connections 2: 2–6.
- Henning, M. June 2005. "Invent It or Use It?" Connections 3: 1.
- Henning, M. June 2005. "The Grim Reaper: Making Objects Meet Their Maker." Connections 3: 13–17.
- Henning, M. September 2005. "Taxing Times." Connections 6: 9–15.
- Henning, M. November 2005. "At a Loose End..." Connections 8: 1.
- Henning, M. November 2005. "Can a Leopard Change its Spots?" Connections 8: 7–11.
- Henning, M. December 2005. "Exciting Times." Connections 9: 1.
- Henning, M. February 2006. "The Nice Thing About Standards..." Connections 11: 1.
- Henning, M. April 2006. "Community Spirit." Connections 13: 1.
- Henning, M. May 2006. "The Samsara of Objects: Life Cycle Operations." Connections 14: 10–22.
- Henning, M. June 2006. "The Rise and Fall of CORBA." ACM Queue 4 (5): 28–34.
- Henning, M. July 2006. "The Emperor has No Clothes." Connections 15: 1.
- Henning, M. September 2006. "Tower of Babel." Connections 17: 1.
- Henning, M. October 2006. "Abstraction Layers." Connections 18: 1.
- Henning, M. October 2006. "Write Once, Read Everywhere." Connections 18: 10–13.
- Henning, M. November 2006. "Leaky Abstractions." Connections 19: 1.
- Henning, M. November 2006. "Teach Yourself IceGrid in 10 Minutes." Connections 19: 11–15.
- Van Steen, M., and M. Henning (Eds). 2006. Middleware 2006. Proceedings of the ACM/IFIP/USENIX 7th International Middleware Conference. Berlin: Springer.
- Henning, M. December 2006. "80 Percent?" Connections 20: 1.
- Henning, M. February 2007. "What's New in Ice 3.2?" Connections 21: 2–6.
- Henning, M. April 2007. "Good Programmers are Rare." Connections 22: 1.
- Henning, M. April 2007. "Teach Yourself Glacier2 in 10 Minutes." Connections 22: 7–12.
- Henning, M. May 2007. "Stable!" Connections 23: 1.
- Henning, M. June 2007. "API Design Matters." ACM Queue 5 (4): 24–36.
- Henning, M. June 2007. "Diversity." Connections 24: 1.
- Henning, M. July 2007. "Who's Counting?." Connections 25: 10–23.
- Henning, M. April 2008. "Terms of Service." Connections 28: 1.
- Henning, M. April 2008. "New Features and Changes in Ice 3.3." Connections 28: 2–5.
- Gutíerrez de la Concha, J. and M. Henning. July 2008. "Let's Chat! (Part 1)." Palm Beach Gardens, FL: ZeroC, Inc.
- Henning, M. July 2008. "Like to chat?." Blog entry. Palm Beach Gardens, FL: ZeroC, Inc.
- Henning, M. July 2008. "Another Note on Distributed Computing." Palm Beach Gardens, FL: ZeroC, Inc.
- Henning, M. July 2008. "The Apple of My i." Blog entry. Palm Beach Gardens, FL: ZeroC, Inc.
- Henning, M. July 2008. "A Matter of Definition." Blog entry. Palm Beach Gardens, FL: ZeroC, Inc.
- Henning, M. September 2008. "Step by Step." Blog entry. Palm Beach Gardens, FL: ZeroC, Inc.
- Henning, M. October 2008. "The Early Bird…." Blog entry. Palm Beach Gardens, FL: ZeroC, Inc.
- Henning, M. February 2009. "Choosing Middleware." Blog entry. Palm Beach Gardens, FL: ZeroC, Inc.
- Henning, M. February 2009. "Choosing Middleware: Why Performance and Scalability do (and do not) Matter." Palm Beach Gardens, FL: ZeroC, Inc.
- Henning, M. January 2010. "A New Asynchronous Method Invocation API for Ice for C++." Palm Beach Gardens, FL: ZeroC, Inc.
- Henning, M. January 2010. "A New Asynchronous Method Invocation API for Ice for Java." Palm Beach Gardens, FL: ZeroC, Inc.
- Henning, M. January 2010. "A New Asynchronous Method Invocation API for Ice for C#." Palm Beach Gardens, FL: ZeroC, Inc.
- Henning, M. January 2010. "A New Asynchronous Method Invocation API for Ice for Python." Palm Beach Gardens, FL: ZeroC, Inc.
- Henning, M. May 2012. "Djembe Construction: A Comprehensive Guide." Brisbane, Australia: Triodia Technologies.
- Henning, M. August 2015. "A Fast Thumbnailer for Ubunutu." Blog entry. Brisbane, Australia: Triodia Technologies.