By Ira Pohl copyright 1999
Appears in the C++ Bookshelf:Distilled -published as an eBook by
Originally published as a Fatbrain column
is not a misspelling of a deadly viper. Common Object Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA) provides an industry standard architecture for heterogeneous systems to
share computing resources transparently. Michi Henning and Steve Vinoski have written the definitive
book on CORBA programming in C++, Advanced CORBA Programming
with C++.
1,100 pages long, it is a long read. It's also deep; you should already know
C++ thoroughly, and be familiar with the Interface Definition Language (IDL)
and the way it maps into C++. This comprehensive guide is divided into six
major parts, 22 chapters, and two appendices. Thankfully, it has a good index,
some 40 pages long with approximately 90 entries per page.
use CORBA you need to learn IDL. IDL is a specification language that looks
like C++. It is used to specify, in a machine and programming language
independent way, objects. Here are some simple examples taken from pp. 18-19:
interface Employee {
long number ();
interface EmployeeRegistry {
Employee lookup(in long emp_number);
interface Printer {
void print();
interface ColorPrinter : Printer {
enum ColorMode { BlackAndWhite, FullColor};
void set_color(in ColorMode mode);
idea of interface is found in Java. It is akin to a C++ abstract base class
that only has pure virtual functions. On seeing the interface definition of
Employee, a CORBA object is expected to implement its prescribed number
operation. The lookup function in EmployeeRegistry has specified an argument
as "in." This designation
tells us that CORBA implementation expects this variable to be used for input,
and most likely will be implemented as call by value. Other parameter
possibilities are "out" and "inout."
descriptions also allow inheritance and use the colon notation of C++. Chapter
4, "The OMG Interface Definition Language" and Chapter 6, "Basic
IDL-to-C++ Mapping" give a detailed description of much of IDL notation
and C++ coding. These two chapters constitute 150 pages, so we are talking
about learning a considerable amount of notation. As onerous as this is, seeing
the many logical consistencies between IDL and C++ ameliorates the difficulty
of learning the notation.
is a client-server methodology. You design the application's objects and define
them in IDL. You can then use an IDL compiler that compiles IDL into client
stubs and server skeletons. Next, you must declare and implement for each of
your COBRA objects, a servant class. These perform the services that each
object provides to its clients. You must write a server main(), which provides the flow of
control for a C++ CORBA program. You compile and link the server code with the
stubs and skeletons to make the server executable. Finally, you write, compile
and link the client code with its generated stubs. These six major steps are
outlined in detail in Advanced CORBA Programming with C++.
3 is a complete, simple example of such a client-server application. The object
is one that provides Greenwich Mean Time. The server uses an ORB to provide a
service like this to any client needing current time. The IDL is
interface Time { //see page 38 Henning and Vinoski
TimeOfDay get_gmt();
server code, including a main(), is two pages long and easy
to follow for the experienced C++ programmer. What is nice about this example
is that it is then clearly and thoroughly described in 11 pages.
main example the book uses is a climate control system. This acts as a detailed
case study of the use of a CORBA. It is detailed enough to be an exemplar of
most critical code practices needed by a CORBA programmer. This example figures
in the next 500 pages. The climate control system is a realistic distributed
application. It is a set of thermostatic controls that handles temperatures and
devices throughout a large building. The system has hundreds of thermometers
monitoring temperature and a like number of thermostats maintaining desired temperatures.
The system is centrally monitored by an operator, which can select desired
temperatures throughout the facility. IDL is displayed for each of these
critical elements. C++ code is developed, which fleshes out the important parts
of the example.
book is a major contribution to large-scale industrial code development. The
bad news is that it is 1,100 pages of very serious, non-trivial reading. The
good news is that it is the only book you should need on this important topic.
The writing is clear and intelligent. The examples are serious and
illuminating. This book is a necessary precondition for starting a serious
CORBA project in C++.
is a capstone technology. That it works is a testament to the resources and
growing maturity of the software industry. Its ideas are coherent and easy to
state in a very simple fashion. Have one machine request a service from another
machine. Have that service executed and have its result used by the first
machine. In practice the computer world
is too diverse to make this an easy task. Manufacturers have different
architectures, programming languages are suited to different domains. So an
overarching concern is that it CORBA compliant system adhere to some standard.
This is an organizational miracle.