Join the Easter Egg Hunt for Advanced CORBA Programming with C++!

Last updated: 12 April 1999

Hint (added 12 April 1999)

Seeing that by 12 April, we've had lots of interesting guesses but no correct answers, we decided to drop a hint:
One egg can be found in chapter 3 and the other one can be found in chapter 7.
That should make it a little easier :-)

Win a $150 or $100 Book Voucher from Addison-Wesley!

Seeing that Easter is almost upon us, it seems appropriate to announce our Easter egg hunt.

Advanced CORBA Programming with C++ contains two Easter eggs, personally planted by Michi and Steve :-)

The challenge is to find the two Easter eggs by 21 April 1999, midnight GMT.

We won't give any hints or tell you any more about them (otherwise, it wouldn't be a proper Easter egg hunt :-) Plain and simple, there are two Easter eggs in the book and you are supposed to find them. If you are not sure what they might look like, don't worry. If you find them, you will recognize them :-)

To make the hunt worth your while, Addison-Wesley have graciously donated three book vouchers, one for $150 and two for $100.

To win, you simply have to be one of the people who find the Easter eggs and tell us about them. The first person to find the eggs will win the first prize book voucher for $150. The other two, for $100 each, will be drawn from all correct entries that arrive before 21 April 1999, midnight GMT.

As a consolation to the non-winners, we will publish the names of all people who found the eggs, together with the solution, on the web. (Of course, if you prefer to remain anonymous, just let us know, and we won't publish your name.)

And, if you send a submission, we promise that your e-mail will not be used to spam you later!

How to Submit Your Easter Eggs

If you think you have found the eggs, send an e-mail with the eggs to Your e-mail must arrive before 21 April 1999, midnight Greenwich Mean Time, to make it into the draw.

Michi and Steve will personally draw the winners, using a remote random number generator on Mars, accessed via an IDL interface that is implemented using the PERSISTENT POA policy and located via a trader. (Just kidding... a pair of dice will do :-)

Michi and Steve are the judges, jury, and executors of the contest. All decisions by Michi and Steve are binding, no correspondence will be entered into, and this contest is not approved by any authority anywhere ;-)

Happy Easter, and happy hunting!

Michi and Steve

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